Why is CIVCM for YOU?
The Intercollege Minor in Civic and Community Engagement -- the CIVCM minor, for short -- is wonderfully flexible, accommodating different students' reasons for wanting to complete the minor. Because only one course (CIVCM 211N / CAS 222N / AYCFE 211N) is specifically prescribed for the minor, we ask you to explain in a short paragraph or two why you want to add the CIVCM minor.
In the space provided, please provide a statement (1-2 paragraphs) that indicates the nature of your interest in the CIVCM minor. To help you complete this short writing task, think about
past experiences that inform your choice of this minor, future hopes for putting into practice what you learn in the CIVCM foundations course, fieldwork, related coursework, and your capstone project.
Type your statement into word processing software, edit and proofread it, and then paste your statement into the box. Thank you.